"with a nod to your great cases, returning from an overseas tour recently, mine and my guitarist guitars came down the luggage carousel heavily damaged. Or rather, the cases were. Long story but basically both guitars had fallen off the luggage truck and been ran over by said truck. My friends fared worse. The wheels had gone over the head stock area. The cases were really smashed. We could barely bring ourselves to look at his beloved Gibson. Damage to case, extensive, damage to guitar, one slightly bent machine head. Whaaaaaaaa! Bloody miracle. My own fender bass had been ran...
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I was heading to Louisville, Kentucky with two of our workers to show our guitars at a conference there. We were pulling an Airstream with 30,000 dollars’ worth of guitars in it. In Kansas City we went over a huge hump in the road, and the trailer bounced right off the hitch. Now before you start imagining that trailer crashing down a hill and exploding in a huge fireball, let me tell you that the trailer was basically fine. But the jack on the front of it got damaged and wouldn’t work, so we couldn’t get it back up onto...
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"I have always been proud of my Hiscox case, however yesterday the 8th April only 2 days after my 2 year old daughter's birthday, the case saved my life. I have a Hiscox Artist Flight Case beige with green interior. I take my sax to work with me so that I can practice in the hour break I get. Yesterday a garbage truck cut me up as I was overtaking it, I slid off the bike and under the truck. The driver was oblivious. The case remained on my back as I was dragged along the road just 50cm from...
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We recently sent one our guitars, Legend T, to a customer in France.
The couriers completely battered the parcel. Most importantly however, nothing happen to the guitar. So what I can say your cases are amazing! Thank you.
Mayones Guitars & Basses
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